13 June 2014

Ambiguous 曖昧

Sometimes when things aren't easy for us
The best thing to do is nothing
Let time wipes everything away
And soon we will find happiness
In the mist of cold evening air

We live not to please ourselves
Neither to hurt everybody else
So long as the moon reflects
We still have time to search
In the deep of heavy sand's gust

Happiness is not seeing others'
Far more than letting others see
Buried in the heart it is hidden
Not known only by the Owner

What is obvious is often no doubt
But what is doubted were sometimes obvious
On solid ground there may be a way
In times of sadness things will just fade away


  1. kadang,

    kita rasa tahu,
    tapi hakikatnya..
    kita lupa pada yang Maha Mengetahui.

    oh, terima kasih besar-besar.

  2. dude, please tell me u copied this somewhere. such an amazing masterpiece . :)

    1. It's purely original. But anyway I thank you. :)
