15 March 2015

Things Change 变化

Things change,
nothing is ever meant to stay the same

People change,
I have changed
they said.

People change,
they turn better
or become worse.

People change,
and I don't know how.

Things are never the same.
it's either better, or worse,
or neither,
people die.

while memories remain,
because things change.

And it will never be the same again.


  1. Changing for good ain't a crime. Though it'll cost you blood and tears for a start . Take the first step to Allah even when you don't see the whole staircase. selamat!

  2. justanotherbloghopperMarch 21, 2015 at 2:54 PM

    Someone once said,

    "People say to you, 'you've changed', or something like that, well, I hope, for the sake of God, that you have changed, because I don't want to be the same person all my life. I want to be growing, I want to be expanding. I want to be changing. Because animate things change, inanimate things don't change. Dead things don't change. And the heart should be alive, it should be changing, it should be moving, it should be growing, its knowledge should be expanding."

    See that keyword in the last line? The heart.

    Aside from God, I think we know ourself best inside out.

    Sometimes, we change because we strive to match our ideals and reality. Memories helped us with that, because for all we know, we learnt so much from 'em to pave a better version of ourself.

    With an intention that only Allah and us know, He too, will shed light to our change/growth.

    Cry as much as we can in front of our Lord when we pray, for He listens. With hope, with embarrassment, and whatever that is left in our feelings.

    And when we read the Quran, read it with the translation until we can't take it anymore and before we know it, our eyes become watery, and our heavy heart will feel relieved.

    Allah knows...and He will surely show us the ways. InshaAllah

    "Iyyaka na'budu waiyyaka nasta'in"

    Making du'as for you, bro.

    1. I was playing the "Doa Taubat - al-Juneid" when I realized you dropped this beautiful words, and longer I would have certainly cry.

      Thank you, I wish I know you. Wait, do we know each other?
